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Classical concerts featuring
Hans-Dieter Schütt


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Gregor Gysi

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April 16, 2025
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Auf eine Currywurst mit Gregor Gysi

Wed, Apr 16, 2025, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Gregor Gysi (Reading), Hans-Dieter Schütt (Moderator)
Gregor Gysi talks and recites from »Ein Leben ist zu wenig. The Autobiography.« and presents his latest books »What Politicians Don’t Say ...« and »A Currywurst with Gregor Gysi«. In »Was Politiker nicht sagen ...« – with the apt subtitle »... weil es um Mehrheiten und nicht um Wahrheiten geht!« (›What politicians don’t say ... because it’s about majorities and not truths!‹) he explains how communication works in politics, why parliamentarians are not nominated according to professionalism, what speaking time limits apply in the Bundestag and why he mainly addresses the audience in talk shows and less the fellow panellists.